
{12 weeks}

I'm at 12 weeks now...first trimester is almost over! 196 days to go (that makes it sound like a long, long time). The baby's reflexes are really developing now and the intestines are growing quickly. Nerve cells are rapidly multiplying and the brain synapses are forming (anyone know what that actually is???). He/She is just over 2 inches - about the size of a lime.

Rumor has it that I should start feeling human again soon as I make my way into the 2nd trimester. I don't want to get overly excited, but I think I may have been less tired the last couple of days. Of course, waking up this morning with a killer headache didn't help me feel at ease, but I popped one of those pills that doctor prescribed and it helped -- it's just a dull headache now, as opposed to the throbbing it was earlier.

I haven't gained any weight yet but I definitely eat a lot. I can't eat much in one sitting like I used to, but I eat more consistently throughout the day. I'm having a mid-morning snack of celery & cream cheese right now. I have switched to decaf coffee but find that I don't have much of a taste for coffee like I used to. I drink mostly juice in the mornings now.

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