i know i will learn many more things about my new love (i haven't even read the manual yet), but here is what i love so far:
- it is as cool and slick as it seems...just a neat thing
- the perfect multi-tasking device. if i'm listening to music and entering something on my calendar and then the phone rings, the music will stop and the screen will pop up the call for me to answer. as soon as i hang up, music starts back and the calendar is back again. seriously cool.
- i like that you can jump around the various applications and when you return to one its where you left it (on the same website or note or contact).
- the touch keypad/keyboard is easier to use than i would've thought
- the automatic spell check (where it tries to guess what you want to type) is pretty accurate and gets smarter the longer you use it (it remembers words you use frequently).
- though its larger than a typical cell phone, it's not bulky
- holds plenty of music, allowing me to no longer have to pare down my playlists (my 2nd gen nano was only 2gb)
- the notes feature. i think i may be able to 100% replace my planner with this thing!
- i love being able to have a camera with me at all times. i take my camera a lot places anyway but there are just times/places where my bulky camera isn't practical. this is always practical
- the price tag
- the increase in my monthly phone bill (its not that much just for mine, but with matt's new phone and internet access on it, its a pretty substantial increase)
- i haven't been successful in getting it to work with my home wi-fi, but will work on that
- i had connection issues that lasted about 24 hours, but only once so far (internet connection issues only - not phone reception)
- you can only go to iTunes on a wi-fi connection (not sure why)
- the camera doesn't have any zoom capabilities (that i have yet discovered)
This was the first photo taken from my iPhone...notice their adorable matching John Deere bandanas!
very cool! I was just at the AT&T store last night. We are thinking of getting an Air card so that Steve can access the internet while on the road. We'll see.. IT's like $100 for the card and then $60 per month.
ReplyDeleteI was also looking at what Verizon offered....
WOWzers not to bad for a telephone- I can't believe all the neato stuff phones will do. My son's gal just bought him a Treo He can do about anything, but clean his room with that thing!!!
ReplyDeleteAs puter saavy as I am, I know NOTHING about phones except how to send them through the washing maching- uggh!! Enjoy your new toy!