photos {scrap studio}
photos {beach vacation}
{welcome football season}
It's that time of year again...finally!!! Tonight is the kickoff to college football. Our Gamecocks are playing NC State. Of course, we're expected to win and all the fans are just praying that we can pull it off without too much trouble. Our real test will be in two weeks when we play Georgia. They are always our first conference game, but this year they are ranked #1 going into the season. Not #1 in the division, not #1 in the SEC, but #1 in the country! We're coming off a TOUGH run from last season (five straight losses), but we DID beat Georgia last year.
photos {30th birthday surprise party}
As usual, I gave Matt a hard time about planning something for my birthday – asking who he had called, etc. We were just going to go out to eat at Charanda’s since he had to work the next morning. The plan was only for Scott, Cameron, Tara & Warren to join us. At the last minute, Sherry was going to come too and asked us to pick her up (the first thing that I thought was a little off). She also told us not to drive around back because of some hanging tree limb (sadly, this did not raise the suspicion that it probably should’ve).
So, when we got to Sherry’s I wanted to take something inside to her and Matt acted like he was going to stay in the car. I looked at him like he was nuts. Considering the “something” was a gift revealing that I was pregnant, I told him to come inside with me. When Sherry opened the door, I was floored. There were tons of friends and family yelling surprise. I broke into tears immediately. I remember seeing Mom and Michelle first and that is probably what set me off. I didn’t even know they were coming into town! Then I remember seeing Maggie, then Sydney, then Sarah. Gradually I started putting together who all was there – Lissa, Greg, Hank, Teddy, Brigitte, Scott & Cameron – even Kim & Mark had came down! It was like little surprises over and over again as I realized who all was there.
After that settled a little, I was able to see that Sherry & Matt threw me a FIESTA. The entire house and back porch were decorated in a seriously festive manner. I loved it! And of course the menu was Mexican!
Now that everyone had surprised me, it was my turn. I still had the gift to give Sherry. I had bought supplies to make the exact same thing for Michelle and Mom but I didn’t bring them – not knowing they were in town. So, I gave the gift to Sherry and then passed it on. Of course, everyone freaked out in a serious manner. It was really awesome to be able to share it with everyone like that.
Eventually, the evening calmed down a little bit and we ate, enjoyed some cold beverages (luckily, Matt had told Scott to bring me some O’Doul’s), and just hung out. We had a piƱata (Dora the Explorer!) that the kids enjoyed. The night passed quickly and I felt really blessed to be surrounded by friends and family. I do wish that Spencer could’ve been there, but other than that, it was pretty near perfect.
{14 weeks}
as for me...not much of a change. still no official weight gain. the relief from the constant fatique hasn't come, but i've also caught myself a little cold so that might make it more difficult to tell.

photos {rat}
photos {living history}
photos {neighbors}
photos {awards day}
photos {maggie's 10th birthday}
photos {backyard baseball}
photos {music program}
photos {carolina baseball game}
photos {jimmy buffett}
This is me with Matt's niece, who met up with us at the concert.
{first day of school}
{13 weeks}
The baby is the size of a peach or fist (depending on your preferred analogy). The intestines are making their way into the abdomen (who knew they started out in the umbilical cord???). The vocal cords are forming, though it'll be another 6 months before we hear those at work. The baby now has fingerprints - that's kind of cool! If it's a girl, she already has 2 million eggs in her ovaries (but it's a little early to be thinking about grandbabies!).
As for me - still no official weight gain (gained back the one pound I had lost) but this morning I noticed that the needle on the scale was trying to move up one...so I have a feeling that first official pound is not far away. Considering the expansion of my midsection, I'm amazed the scale is showing more. Still loving some popsicles & ice cream. Craving lots of fruits & juices. Nothing much else to report...

layout {fall festival}

{12 weeks}
Rumor has it that I should start feeling human again soon as I make my way into the 2nd trimester. I don't want to get overly excited, but I think I may have been less tired the last couple of days. Of course, waking up this morning with a killer headache didn't help me feel at ease, but I popped one of those pills that doctor prescribed and it helped -- it's just a dull headache now, as opposed to the throbbing it was earlier.
I haven't gained any weight yet but I definitely eat a lot. I can't eat much in one sitting like I used to, but I eat more consistently throughout the day. I'm having a mid-morning snack of celery & cream cheese right now. I have switched to decaf coffee but find that I don't have much of a taste for coffee like I used to. I drink mostly juice in the mornings now.

layout {fishing party}

i made two cards like this from the leftovers. i have enough fishermen in my family that i'll get good use of them. i can add a sentiment when i decide to use them (happy birthday, happy father's day, etc).

photos {frog float}
photos {frog float press conference}
{11 weeks}

Since I haven't posted much on here yet, I thought I would address the most frequently asked questions:
How are you feeling? Overall, pretty good. I haven't been sick, which is great, obviously. But I've been very tired - a new level of exhaustion. I hear it should get better soon so I'm patiently waiting.
When are you due? February 24th
Are you going to find out what you're having? Yes, definitely. If I could find out today, I would. But unfortunately, we have to wait 2 more months.
What do you want? or Do you have a feeling about what it is? Of course, we just want a healthy baby. I certainly don't have a "feeling". Matt definitely wants a girl and I think that combined with people thinking we *should* have a girl (since we already have Spencer covering the boy department), I'm tending to lean that way.
I think that covers the basics...
{random questions}
1. What kind of shoes are you wearing? black Nine West heels
2. Have you ever slapped someone? I don't think so...
3. Do you use a daily face cream? If so what do you use? Arbonne (their RE9 anti-aging line)
4. What's your favorite restaurant? Mexican hole-in-wall type places with yummy food
5. What's your favorite thing to order at your favorite restaurant? #1 Combo (trust me, it's usually the same in any hole-in-the-wall place)...Cheese enchilada, beef taco, & rice
6. What would you order to drink at your favorite restaurant? If I weren't pregnant, either Dos Equis Lager or Corona Light.
7. Could you make that same favorite dish at home? no way jose, Mexican food never tastes as good when you try to make it at home.
8. What did you get in trouble for, when you were a kid? Depends on the age, but probably talking too much (in school)
9. What really gives you the creeps? Creepy people :)
10. Did you have a nickname in middle school or high school? Not really
layouts (spencer's 5x7 album}
congrats teddy!!!
click here to see a post with a picture of him