Layout - Pig Pickin'

Layout - Build a Bear
Layout - Kickoff...
I found these question's on Elsie's blog...thought they might be fun to answer.
1. What is your favorite word? serendipity
2. What is your least favorite word? I've never thought of this. I think "GD" (well what it stands for) is probably the worst for me.
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Creatively - seeing awesome work by others; listening to music I love; sometimes shopping
Spiritually - seeing actions of someone that is doing the work of God
Emotionally - watching a girly movie - ha ha!!!
4. What turns you off?
Lies. I can't stand liars.
5. What is your favorite curse word?
You shouldn't have a favorite.
6. What sound or noise do you love?
Music that I love
7. What sound or noise do you hate?
Any loud, ongoing noice - like a lawn mower or vacuum cleaner
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Professional Organizer, Photographer, something artistic.
9. What profession would you not like to do?
Gosh, I'm sure there are tons...anything on Dirty Jobs!
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I'm proud of you.
Deja Vu starring Denzel Washington
Matt actually rented this one for me. I had never heard of it, which is surprising with Denzel and all. Anyway, it was good. It had a creative story line and a surprise ending. Denzel's an FBI agent - so it's all right up my alley of stuff I like.
Liberty Stands Still starring Wesley Snipes
This was just something I saw on and decided to DVR. It's a little slow at times, but it was a good "veg in front of the TV" movie. The basic idea is that this woman is on her cell phone with a guy that wants to kill her and she can't hang up or a bomb will go off.
Superman Returns
I can't believe it took me this long to see it. Matt had rented it a while ago but watched it without me. It came on HBO or something, so Matt, Spencer and I watched it together the other night. It was very good, of course. I don't think Spencer enjoyed it as much as he thought he would because he didn't know a lot of the background stuff on Superman and was a little confused. We probably should've made him watch the original first!
Fever Pitch starring Drew Barrymore
This was cute. I love romantic comedies and Drew Barrymore is good in them. I even saved this on our DVR for Spencer to watch because he's such a Red Sox fan.
That's all I can think of right now...
Step on a Crack - James Patterson
I listened to this on CD. This is one of his most recent releases. It is not part of the Alex Cross series, but does revolve around an NYPD detective. It has a good, very unique crime story. But also a good, unique personal story. Definitely would recommend.
5th Horseman - James Patterson
This is the 5th book in the Women's Murder Club series. Since this is a smaller series, I've actually been able to read these in order, which is nice. This was another good one...two main crimes in the storyline.
Cradle & All - James Patterson
This book was not what I was expecting at all. It is nothing like any of his other books. It is a religion-based story (Catholocism), but almost has a supernatural feel to it. I did read the entire thing and there was a neat story overall. But, it was just a bit weird and I probably wouldn't have bothered reading it if it wasn't by JP.
Gone - Jonathan Kellerman
A co-worker lent me this book that she picked up at an airport. I have never read any of his books but she and I have similar taste in authors, so I gave it a whirl. It was actually pretty good.
From the author's website, I learned that it's a recent book in a series about the character Alex Delaware. It appears most of his books are written in this series - he has about 6 that are not. They are crime based, as is most of what I like. But the main character is a psychologist. I guess if I ever get caught up on James Patterson, there are plenty of Kellerman books to attempt!
I went to the library today and stocked up. I was pleasantly surprised to find James Patterson's brand new book, The 6th Target, on CD and available! This is the 6th book in the Women's Murder Club series. It'll be nice to read (listen to) this one so soon after finishing the 5th.
In my defense, I'd like to say that I do read more than just James Patterson books. I have several authors that I follow. Most of them I've read all of their books. James Patterson I still have more to read. I did get a Nicholas Sparks book at the library today, too.
Layout - Mother's Day
Layout -Playing Army
Layout - Utah
Layout - Never Stop Being Creative
