Our baby boy is slightly over a pound and will be doing some serious weight gaining from here on out. He's the size of a mango. Skin pigment is being developed and lips are becoming more distinct. Skin is wrinkled & loose, and appears red due to the blood vessels under it. He is probably starting to recognize repeated loud noises, like the vacuum cleaner (ok, bad example considering I don't vacuum).
Baby's mama is doing fine. I'm "comfortably pregnant" at this point. Not many complaints and I haven't started waddling yet. I can see where things are going to become increasingly more difficult (small things like reaching into the washing machine or tying my shoes), but the belly's not quite in the way yet.
I did go on a small shopping binge... I ordered the crib & dresser for the nursery, our diapers bags, a high chair and infant seat. It'll be fun when those things start arriving. Matt's diaper bag (Gamecocks, of course) already came! This weekend I got my pregnancy scrapbook caught up.