Tummy trouble: A few weeks ago, we switched formulas to Enfamil AR, for acid reflux. We saw some improvements but some symptoms remained or worsened. The doctor recommended trying Zantac, which we started a few days ago. We are hoping it will give his poor tummy some relief so he can be a happy, shiny baby again. He is having some pretty cranky days lately :)
Nights: He is starting to get his days/nights straightened out. He stays awake more during the day, which not only helps him sleep at night, but also is more fun for us! The longest stretch he's blessed me with is four hours, but the norm is around 2.5 to 3 hours at a time.
Happy Times: He is full of laughs and smiles now, which is awesome! It's so cool to see what entertains him (and what doesn't).
Eating: His tummy troubles have not hurt his appetite at all. He's been eating like a champ (35 ounces on some days) and he's really chunking up!
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