
LOM {Lesson 4}

Still getting caught up on LOM lessons...
Earlier this week I accomplished a pretty large project - Category Drawers. Luckily, I'd already pulled together a good number of photos for them. I did this based on the book, Photo Freedom, prior to starting the class. This past week or so, I worked on the *bubble charts* part of our class, which helped us set up categories. From there, I created dividers for my Category Drawers. My *drawers* are actually just a photo box. Right now, all four categories fit into one box. But, I have plenty of boxes that I can use as my collection grows.
This was a good exercise. I had come up with some "rough draft" categories in the past, but was able to really fine tune them and get a better understanding of what categories made sense for me. I also enjoyed "touching" all of these photos again and moved around a good number of them, as I found categories that were more appropriate. I was making plenty of connections throughout the process (and making notes along the way).

While working on Lesson 4, I actually completed a piece of Lesson 3 that I had skipped - the Photo Connection. Below are two photos of Matt & Spencer in which they are play fighting. The pictures were taken four years apart, in two different houses. It really captures the playfulness of their relationship and how, despite Spencer growing up, some things never change. I look forward to doing a layout of these :)

Also this week, I was able to do something that relates back to Lesson 1 (yeah, I'm slack). Now that I have purchased 4 storage binders, I need something to put in them. I had spent a ton of time paring down photos from 2006 to 2008. I decided to start my printing with 2008. I went back through them, cropping them all to 4x6 and paring some more. Then I uploaded them to Shutterfly. I was shocked at how many I still had - 568 photos!! But I ordered them. They are scheduled to arrive next week. I still need to order the other two years, but am getting over the shock from the one year!

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