About two weeks ago, Matt, Spencer and I went over to my sister's house to shoot some clays. This was Spencer's first time shooting a shotgun. Though I had shot one before, it had been a long while. I normally just shoot pistols. Matt had experience from his younger days and apparently hasn't lost his touch. He did great (please note that he stands like a cop). The gun we were using was really heavy for me and Spencer. I could barely hold it up. Bo (my nephew) helped Spencer out with holding it. Spencer actually shot a clay! Both of my nephews are very good and are on shooting teams. (Please note how tall my nephews are compared to me - crazy; oh, and the "growth" on my stomach is the drawstring from my pants - looks funny). One more sidenote: look at my nephew's red shoes...wanna know what they are? Shoes he made from duct tape - totally from scratch, on his own. And he wears them all the time. Too funny!
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