President Harry S. Truman
1. NYC Veterans Day Parade 2006, 2. Manhattan-Veterans Day_107, 3. veterans day, 4. Veterans Day November 11 2006, 5. VETERANS DAY is a time to honor all veterans of the armed services. It is also a day to be proud that we are citizens of a nation made great by the sacrifices and dedication of all our military personnel, both home and abroad., 6. Veteran's Day, 7. The American Flag waving in the breeze - In honor of Veteran's Day., 8. Veteran's Day, 9. Veterans Day, November 11, 2007, 10. We Salute You, Veterans Day 2007, 11. Veterans Day, 12. Veterans Day, 13. Veterans Day 2006, 14. Lone Sailor, Veterans Day, 15. Thank you all - Veterans Day - 2006, 16. Veterans Day, Gainesville, Fla., 17. Veterans Day 2006, 18. Veterans' Day (Part 1 of 5), 19. Veterans Day, 20. kings mountain veteran's day, 21. Veterans Day Memorial
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