2 more weeks...14 days...
actually I'm late posting this week so I'm actually down to about 12 days, assuming he's not late...and he probably will be (read on...)
I think we're beyond the point of posting generic updates from websites. My baby is bigger than their estimates and the weekly doctor appointments are much more informative than the 5 weekly emails I get.
So, I had my weekly appointment yesterday - met another new doctor for me (he was fine). Unfortunately, my weight gain jumped up, which he contributed to swelling. He seemed pleased that this is my last week of work and told me to be mindful of how long I sit and stand at a time to try and reduce the swelling.
He could not get a presenting body part, so he ordered an ultrasound to ensure the baby was head down and not breach. Luckily, he's in position, but just hasn't dropped very much. Though I was a little worried (for no reason), it was nice to get the extra ultrasound. The technician did 3D for us and we got some very cool pictures (see previous post). It was reassuring to know that everything looks OK in there. The doctor just said we have to be patient. Apparently there are no signs that Coleman is eager to join us quite yet!
When he does decide to join us, he will probably be a chunker. The doctor's initial exam had him guessing the baby was around 7 1/2 lbs. The ultrasound machine calculated 7lbs 9 oz. All pretty close, but with 2+ more weeks of growing to go...looks like he could easily break the 8 pound mark!

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