Monday evening I hosted a candle party at our house. Amy Trader is a demonstrator for Gold Canyon candles. Now that we finally have a house that is “company friendly”, I thought it would be fun – Plus I love candles!!! I was also able to meet some new neighbors.
I plan on including the journaling in my posts since you can't read it in the scans:
No, this pumpkin isn’t to help us get into the Halloween spirit now that October has arrived. It’s actually been sitting in the back seat of Matt’s truck for a full year now (don’t even get me started on that!). So, what is the significance?
Sunday morning, Spencer woke up (early, very early) sick as a dog – bless his heart. While watching a movie later on, he fell asleep on the couch. Matt insisted on waking him to have lunch at his parents, but we didn’t get far. Before we even made it out of the neighborhood, Spencer – in a particularly heart-breaking tone – says “Daddy, I think I’m gonna throw up.” We turned around and headed home as quickly as possible, but in the meantime, poor Spencer grabs this pumpkin and holds it to his face all the way into the house and upstairs to his bedroom…where he spent most of the day.
Chipboard letters - Rusty Pickle; Patterned Paper - Reminisce ("Candy Dots" & "Freddy's Sweater"), Doodlebug ("Hauntingly Halloween Stripes"); Orange ribbon -Offray; Black fibers; Sticker - Pebbles, Inc.; Paint - Accent