Baby Coleman: Should be weighing in at close to 5 lbs and around 18 inches long! That's a for-real-baby in there!! Statistics show that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks tend to do just fine with little chance of long term complications. That makes me very happy :) Kidneys are fully developed. Liver is beginning to produce waste (gross). I felt him hiccup for the first time this week (I always get asked this question for some reason).
Baby's Mama: My updates tell me that he should be starting to drop some. I think this may be true, but maybe not too much yet. I say this because I think I actually slept much of last night on my side without excruciating pain - something I haven't done in a while. So, it's possible that his new, lower position might be relieving some of that. Doctor's appointment is next Tuesday. I'm actually looking forward to this one in the hopes that they can tell me how he's positioned or something! We bought some closet organizers for Coleman's room and also did some reorganizing (and purging) in the kitchen to make room for all of those baby things.

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