Baby Coleman: Weight is probably around 6 pounds and length should be around 18-20 inches. Growth should start to slow down a bit at this point. Most systems are mature or nearing maturity. Wanna know what the doctor thinks??? His prediction is that he'll weigh about 7 lbs 10 ounces at birth. We'll see....
Baby's Mama (that's me!): I'm feeling about the same - no major updates there - just uncomfortable and annoyed that I can't wear most of my shoes. My baby shower was on Saturday and that was wonderful!! I'll have a separate post on that later. My doctor's appointment was today (with my favorite doctor). He was able to name my chest pain - costochronditis (the spelling might not be exact, but it's close). Basically it's inflammation of the sternum area. It is common in pregnant women and should go away after delivery. Meanwhile, not much I can do other than taking Tylenol. The doctor said not to worry about my lack of contractions - perfectly normal for some women not to have any until real labor hits. Not much else to report!

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