even though i haven't wallowed in self-pity here, i still feel like its time for a bit of happiness and positive thinking. things are far from perfect. spencer is still struggling with some stuff. matt's mom is still healing and has another surgery in her future. we still are crossing our fingers that matt's job is secure. but ultimately, we are blessed and i want to focus on that for today! so here are some good, happy things in holly's world:
- as a result of my mom's recent hospital stay, she has finally quit smoking. i am super excited and super proud of her. YAY MOM!!!! you are awesome!
- we are doing lots of smaller scale home improvement projects. some of it is really just freshening things up! we bought a new rug for our den and new towels for our bathroom. i threw away two full trash bags of old towels! we are looking into getting the last three (small) rooms in our house painted. our painter is coming today to check it out and we are going to decide how much matt is doing versus what we're going to hire someone to do. matt is going to install cabinets in our laundry room.
- spring has sprung. between the time change and the warmer weather, it's just a bit easier to smile...in my opinion
- glee starts back up this month :)
- april is one of my favorite months of the year. our schedule is always crazy chaos, but it's fun! spencer has a baseball tournament this weekend. the following weekend is the gamecock ladies football clinic. then come see me starts.
- next week matt and i will be celebrating eight years of marriage. how awesome!
- i'm even looking forward to a few cool things online. just today i found out about this multi-tasking moms telesummit (april 26-30) and it looks really promising. and i've been waiting for ali edwards' to start her a week in the life project again (april 19-25). i've never done it and i'm looking forward to playing along this time.
- things are really looking up at work for me. i've been presented with a new opportunity. i'm trying to tackle it with new-found enthusiasm and heart...both of which are things that i haven't been giving to my career lately.

Yeah for happy times!!! I am proud of your mom...I have been thinking about Matt and his job... Yeah for us going to have fun with our Gamecocks...Yeah for spring.... and Yeah for my friend Holly! Having a great friend like you is what makes me feel "happy times" are upon me! :)