It's hard to believe, but the 2nd annual Dalton Help Foundation Golf Tournament is here. Tomorrow morning I'll be heading out to the golf course bright and early (with coffee and donuts in hand). We will have plenty to set up and prepare before the festivities begin at 11:00. In addition to the tournament there is also a silent auction. It's mostly sportsrelated items but they have a few things this year that I'm definitely bidding on...we'll see what happens.
The weather is horrible today but I'm excited about tomorrow. They'd gotten our hopes up with some forecasts in the mid to high 70s but I seriously doubt that's going to happen. It's cold today. I'm praying for good weather - hope you will too!
Last year's tournament raised over $10,000 for the foundation. Donations were made to local and national autism associations that both help children and strive to find a cause and cure for this horrible condition. The money is also used to help pay for Dalton's therapy as well as another local family whose child they've taken under their wing. The more money they raise, the more families they can help! The cost of therapy is almost unreal.
I ask for everyone to send a few prayers our way - pray for a successful tournament and auction - pray for Brigitte and Strait. They are some amazing people. Handling Dalton is tough enough on its own, but they've taken on the world of autistic children as well. These are GOOD people! Most of all, pray for Dalton. He is a sweet and beautiful child with so much potential, with only autism standing in his way. Pray for a breakthrough - for Dalton and all the other children out there like him.
Thank you!
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