***organization + menu planning***
i love this menu board tutorial from ucreate foods. it's a little involved and not something i plan to tackle in the near future. but i do think it's super cool!!!
***fashion fun***
as most people know, i'm a serious scarf lover. when i saw the above graphic on elsie's blog, i think i may have jumped for joy! i have already printed it out and will hang it in my closet near my scarves!!!
i discovered a cute office supply website via stacy julian's blog: sorting with style
my favorite thing is this adorable iphone notepad!!
marta writes is one of my favorite blogs. and this is one of my favorite recent posts of hers. i adore the photo above which she included (and the others in the post are awesome as well). this is the first paragraph of the post...totally had to share in case you don't click over to her blog (which you should):
what is a blog for if not a modern diary for the details of your days, the thoughts in your mind, the dreams in your heart, the goals you have set, the photos that illustrate who you are, the person you inspire to be, the documentation of the right now.
***yummy food***
i haven't tried it yet, but this turkey penne pasta salad from mckmama looks delicious. i need to convince my husband that it would actually be tasty.
***free download***
a great free download from simple crafter. i miss the art of the handwritten letter.
***for the kiddos***

love this super easy idea of making your own sidewalk *paint* instead of chalk.
seen at the idea room
speaking of kids and cool art stuff... enjoyed this interview with Christie of Childhood 101 over at The Artful Parent. she has authored an e-book (pictured above) that might an interesting read!
***free word art***
super cute free easter/spring word art from ali edwards.
***free polaroid templates***
if you use photoshop, these are some cool templates to get the look of a Polaroid or Instax camera.
***teacher appreciation***
i'm infactuated with subway art right now and eighteen25 always has cool free ones for every holiday, season, etc. the newest is this teacher appreciation version. love it.
***dr. seuss party***

i love dr. seuss. i love parties. this is the most adorable combination of the two.
found at hostess with the mostess
The Dr. Seuss party is SO CUTE! Thank you for your comment over at Yoga Gal! :D