a while back, i discovered a (new-to-me) magazine called working mother.
we receive a lot of magazines in our home - most of which are free or incredibly inexpensive. i rarely have time to read them so i'm usually a few months behind. it's simply not a priority for me. (and thus the reason i don't blow much money on them).
among the pile of unread magazines is usually a lot of parenting magazines (such as parents and parenting). when coleman was a little younger, they were more like baby talk and things of that nature. i gotta tell ya...i don't *love* these and when i do decide to "read" them, it's usually a pretty quick flip through. i would much rather flip through in style than read another article about summer safety tips or what organic food to feed my kids.
but working mother is different.
the topics are relevant to my life (for obvious reasons). it's not all about the kids...it's about you as a mom. it's about your career. about your kids. about your husband. about your sanity. about your home. and how to balance it all.
i love that the magazine is divided into times of day rather than age groups or other topics such as food, health, etc. i truly think this is genius. it's one of the things that makes it so relevant.
if you work (in any capacity) and have kiddos...it's worth the small cost to get this magazine. fyi - according to their website, right now, you can get three years for only $12. that's ridiculously cheap. i don't remember what i paid for mine, but i think it was through a fundraiser so i'm sure i overpaid. (but still worth it).
we receive a lot of magazines in our home - most of which are free or incredibly inexpensive. i rarely have time to read them so i'm usually a few months behind. it's simply not a priority for me. (and thus the reason i don't blow much money on them).
among the pile of unread magazines is usually a lot of parenting magazines (such as parents and parenting). when coleman was a little younger, they were more like baby talk and things of that nature. i gotta tell ya...i don't *love* these and when i do decide to "read" them, it's usually a pretty quick flip through. i would much rather flip through in style than read another article about summer safety tips or what organic food to feed my kids.
but working mother is different.
the topics are relevant to my life (for obvious reasons). it's not all about the kids...it's about you as a mom. it's about your career. about your kids. about your husband. about your sanity. about your home. and how to balance it all.
i love that the magazine is divided into times of day rather than age groups or other topics such as food, health, etc. i truly think this is genius. it's one of the things that makes it so relevant.
if you work (in any capacity) and have kiddos...it's worth the small cost to get this magazine. fyi - according to their website, right now, you can get three years for only $12. that's ridiculously cheap. i don't remember what i paid for mine, but i think it was through a fundraiser so i'm sure i overpaid. (but still worth it).
**no, i did not receive any payment or freebies for writing this post. i paid for my subscription. and it wasn't one of the "cheapies" that i referenced above. the magazine has no idea i'm writing this and i certainly wasn't asked to do so.**
this post is part of a new focus here at the chronicles:
balancing work & home, while loving it all.
Ooohhh...I so need this magazine! Thanks for the tips friend. :)