so anyway... last year, i tried to participate for the first time. i had a great time collecting notes and information and taking photos. and that was it. i must sadly confess that i never did anything with the things i collected. the pile of memoriabilia, notes, etc...all sat on my scrapbooking desk for over a year before i finally came to terms with the fact that nothing was going to come of them.
as i began reading the preparation posts on ali's blog this year, i kept telling myself to be realistic and know that i couldn't complete this project. i'm actually in an even worse place this year than last year because my scrapbooking room is in complete disarray as we try to do some reorganizing. paper scrapbooking isn't really an option this week, or next, or the next (ok, you get the point).
but i brainstormed some easier ways to take part and this morning on the way to work (the morning the project begins), i decided i will participate. to keep the concept completely doable for me, it's going to be 100% digital. i'm going to take all of my photos using the instagram app on my phone (with which i'm completely obsessed). i will do one daily post here on my blog with lots of words to go with the lots of photos.
one day, i may print those photos and words. but maybe not. and that's ok.
so be prepared for a lot of details in the coming days...maybe more than you care to see or read.
week in the life 2011 | july 25-31
inspired by ali edwards
see all of ali's week in the life related posts
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