this photo was sent to me by aj to show me that he was fine just a couple of minutes after i left
this week {11.23 - 11.29}
this photo was sent to me by aj to show me that he was fine just a couple of minutes after i left
holidays in hand {days 2 + 3}
day 2:
jessica provided 31 of these prompt pages, which i printed out today. (i chose the smaller, 5.5" square size). each one includes a quote, a memory jogger, a writing assignment and a photography assignment. then she has provided blank "do" and "make" lines.
day 3:
she provided some starter lists of things to do and make that we can add to the blank lines. our assignment is to fill these in. it's unreasonable to think we can make and do 31 different things (2 a day), but i'd like to get 31 ideas of each down on paper - just for inspiration and variety. i have started my list by taking some of her ideas and combining them with mine. i want to work on building this list, and not rush into it, so i will probably skip ahead in the project while still pondering some of these. my current list is 21 "things to do" and 13 "thinks to make". i will post it when i'm done.

holidays in hand {assignments 1 thru 3}
assignment 1:
in addition to our values, we are supposed to write goals that we have associated with the holiday season.
here are a few goals of mine:
~ start new traditions with coleman, while continuing existing traditions
~ get organized with a plan so that we all can enjoy the season
~ increase the focus on Christ in our celebrations
assignment 2:
we are supposed to commit to spend twenty minutes every single day in december to recording, writing, photographing, savoring, printing, gluing, scrapbooking, remembering, or slowing down. at first it seems a bit intimidating. every single day??? but if you look at what she's talking about... i probably do this anyway. it'll be fun to take it on as a challenge, though.
assignment 3:
organize. she provided this link as a good place to start: organized christmas. i've only spent a few minutes on this site and i'm in love. not just organization, but just super cute ideas. their six-week organization plan actually starts at the end of october. i need to remember that next year!

holidays in hand {day 1}
the first thing we are supposed to do is think about our holiday values. What we treasure, hopes we have, what we want to instill in our children, etc. we are supposed to start with a list of words.
here's what comes to mind for me:
- tradition - fun - christ - family - food - memories - faith - warmth - comfort - crafts - baking - charity - anticipation - believe - awe - coziness - peace - contentment - welcome - home - bond - friendship - giving - sharing -
all of a sudden i can't get her website to work for me, so i can't go on to read what our first official "assignment" is. i think this is a way for my computer to tell me to go to bed. GOOD NIGHT :)

this week {11.16 - 11.22}
{there are no words}

frugal friday {11.13}
total retail value = $100.38
out of pocket paid = $42.55
savings = $57.83 (58%)
i also ended up making an emergency "sick baby" trip to food lion. i didn't have time to shop the few sales they had there, so basically all i got were some jars of baby food and pedialyte. i was pleasantly surprised to get a $2.00 coupon on my next food lion purchase, from pedialyte!
total retail value = $20.70
out of pocket paid = $16.70
savings = $4.00 (19%...but 29% if you could the $2.00 coupon I earned)

this week {11.15}
yes, i still take pictures of the dogs (sometimes). i tried to get one of rio but he wouldn't cooperate.
we brought another *christmas* present down from the attic. i'm not sure whether to be annoyed that my advanced buying has been ruined or proud that my child is more advanced than i expected. anyway, he took to this walking toy immediately. and there's cooper again.
more savings {11.09 + 11.10}
Summary of entire Bi-Lo trip:
Total at full retail = $69.62
Paid = $35.89
Saved = $33.73 (48%)
I went back to Harris Teeter to only get free/cheap items. Spencer's class is collecting "personal care items" for a local food bank this month so my goal was to make sure I got a few things in that area. I got tons of rice for free or super cheap (this is not "easy rice" so most of it will probably get donated...I'm just that lazy). For his class, I got two bottles of lotion, dental floss, toothpaste, bar soap. None of it was free, but it was all very cheap. Free muffin mix. I also picked up some baby food and formula. Was hoping for some super cheap wipes, but the coupon beeped and then a pesky manager read the "do not double" and they ended up not being such a steal. Definitely worth the extra trip (and I was able to do it on my lunch hour since I wasn't getting anything cold).
Harris Teeter Summary (Tripes trip #2)
Total at full retail = $82.32
Paid = $21.66
Savings = $60.66 (74%)

savings saturday {11.7}
Total at full retail = $143.99
Actually spent (with tax) = $88.76
VIC savings = $26.51
Coupons = $28.72
Total saved = $55.23 (38%)
If you take out the beer that I bought, I saved 47% :)

this week {11.1 - 11.7}
~ coleman loved the swing at tega cay (during spencer's game) ~
~ we ate at the white horse ~
~ i learned that PSE 8 was just released (after i just purchased PSE 7) ~
~ i sent a bunch of plastic grocery bags to school with spencer for some collection thing they were doing ~
~ spencer began his position as "roaming reporter" for the school news!! ~
~ i checked out shannon and jeff's wedding website ~
~ i learned our pediatrician's office was out of flu shots, then took coleman in for a cough and found out they did have some shots left ~
~ coleman weighed 20 pounds 3 ounces ~
~ i sent out envelopes for three rebates ~
~ i attended our first hoa board meeting and was elected vice president ~
~ i made cinnamon melt muffins ~
~ i learned that a little two year old girl in columbia (a friend of a family at aj's) had swine flu, was misdiagnosed and died :( ~
~ watched lots of ncis reruns ~
~ traded coupons with katherine in greenville ~
~ bo (my nephew) ran in the state cross country race ~
~ spencer pulled out the mythbusters kit he got for his birthday and did some experiements in the kitchen floor ~
~ spencer and coleman got a halloween card from aunt michelle ~
~ coleman and john michael played in the backyard ~
~ i took this SUPER cute picture of our neighbors, les + christy ~
~ scott and spencer played a ton of football in the hallway. this eventually led to my lamp getting broken. nice. ~
~ spencer showed me his stapler power point presentation ~
~ we ate lunch at matt's parent's house ~
~ i saw phillip (matt's nephew) drive for the first time ~
~ we all went to spencer's end-of-baseball-season party at sayago's ~