i recently learned about a new website (well, new to me) called tumblr. it took me a little bit of pondering to "get it", but i finally did and i think it's going to be an awesome resource for me. basically it's a blog, but a bit more standardized than the typical blog (like this one).
so, i started a page and it's mainly a resource for me. it's a place for me to corral all sorts of "goodies" found on the internet - home decor ideas, scrapbooking pages i like, tutorials i'd like to refer back to, etc. the posts are tagged also. so, if in a few weeks i think to myself "what can i do for spencer's teachers for christmas???", i can go to my tumblr blog and look at posts tagged "gift ideas" and sort through things that have recently caught my attention! or next year when i think "oh, i wish i could remember where i saw the idea of making mummies out of hershey bars"...voila! it'll be there on my tumblr page (tagged with "halloween").
i kept the same name over at my tumblr site for consistency. i don't expect anyone to hang out there, but if you find that you like the same things i do, you might find some inspiration there. also, my posts to this blog feed over there.
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