rite aid
two transactions - both using $4 off $20 coupon
total retail value = $61.80
saved 47% for out-of-pocket expenses
earned $11 in rebates
total savings = $43 or 70%
overall this is really good because i bought a few expensive baby items that weren't on sale or have an scr.
paid $97.90 and saved $68.07 (about half and half from sales/coupons)
that's only a savings of 41%...much less than i prefer. however, it includes 2 big cans of formula, a case of beer, and 8 bags of halloween candy. considering all that, not too shabby!
food lion
paid $ 32.98 and saved $20.79...only 39%
no great explanation for not doing better :(
triples week at harris teeter starts tomorrow!!

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