To the right of one of the "work stations", I have some random storage pieces. The taller piece was in Spencer's old bathroom above the toilet. The smaller piece on the floor was in our bathroom in the old house. Now, all of our cabinetry is dark, so these white pieces no longer worked. Instead of getting rid of them, I moved them in here for more storage.
Starting from the top... I have two framed photos on top (one of me and Matt and one of me and my sisters). There is also a 12x12 clipboard that holds my most recently done layout.
The larger storage area toward the top holds (in containers) paintbrushes, paper clips, puzzle pieces.
The shelf in the middle holds a few western decor items, 2 postcards from my sister's trip to Alaska, a cool mini album my mom made me, and a gift from my sister that says "The nicest thing about having you for a sister is having you for a sister".
The skinny storage part holds all of my acrylic paint. I lay them on their sides with the bottoms facing outward. This helps me easily see all the colors.
The bottom storage part holds a hodge-podge of stuff. A lot is stuff I have bought or saved to alter and haven't gotten around to it yet. Sitting on top of it are a flower pot bunny made for me by Spencer and a memory box of wedding stuff (gift from my sister's inlaws).
The horse shoe thing on the floor to the left was my husband's when he was a little boy and I stole it :)
The "vase" to the right on the floor was made by my mom. I saw it at her house and stole it (see a pattern...). I bought some cattails to go in it.
The yellow thing hanging (the higher one) was on my birthday gift from my sister. It's a yellow ceramic star that says "celebrate" and has some wire with beads. It's super cute.
The bottom hanging thing is from my other sister. She made it with a new stamp set she was VERY excited about.
You can also see my TV and my altered "H" hanging on the wall. It's hard to tell but it's hanging from a cowboy hat hook.
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