remember, fridays are basically just five *whatever* things...
1: From Where I Scrap post on the Without Filters blog. This is one of the handful of blogs that I follow and I really enjoyed this post. Warning: if you are not a scrapbooker, you'll probably be bored.

3: Ali Edwards' blog is one that I've been following for a while now and I really enjoy. Last weekend she offered a free download in this post (pictured below).
4: One of the author's that I follow is Patricia Cornwell. And one of her most popular series of books is based on the character, Scarpetta. I was excited to recently learn that there will finally be a Scarpetta movie. It will not be based on a particular book, but more on the concept (it was compared to how the Bourne movies were adopted from the books). My only issue is that supposedly Angelina Jolie is going to be playing Scarpetta. And this just doesn't work in my head. You know how when you read a book, you create an image of that person in your head? Well, SHE is not the image :) Should be interesting.
5: This weekend I finally posted a few updates on my garden blog: carolina garden in progress. This was the first time in almost a year. I have been super slack, not just with the blog, but with planting things in general. Shame on me!
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