Kris has impressed me week after week with his amazing, yet understated, vocals. I totally *get* that Adam is talented, but I am so tired of his creepy-eyed screaching. However, I feel the finale is what it should be - the two most consistently good singers. I know that Adam will probably win, but I'll text my votes until my fingers are sore :)
I've downloaded 4 of Kris's performances from iTunes and would highly recommend them to anyone. I will probably go back for more (especially since I'll have to wait a while for his album to come out!). Since my Idol beginnings, it's always been my sign of a good performance if I get chill bumps. When I listen to these 4 Kris songs on my iPhone, I get chill bumps ... every time.
What I've downloaded:
Heartless (if I were Kayne, I'd be embarrassed to ever perform this song again)
Falling Slowly
Ain't No Sunshine
To Make You Feel My Love (I normally wouldn't advocate doing a Garth song, but he kicked BUTT on this)
I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow night's performances. I hope they allow them to do 3 songs (in case you haven't been paying attention, the contestants performances have been reduced compared to previous years). This wish is mostly selfish - I just want to have more great Kris songs to download. Somehow I'll try to stomach sitting through 3 screachers from Adam.
If you love Idol to an unhealthy point, like I do, I highly recommend going to and reading the articles by Michael Slezack after every show (two a week)...they are insightful but also hilarious.
We also have an office pool going. Right now I'm in 3rd place for the main pool (where we try to pick who will get eliminated as each week passes). We have a "bonus pool" where we tried to guess the order of elimination at the beginning of the season. If Kris pulls off the Idol title, I will win that pool!
I guess that's enough rambling for now...

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