
{new blog schedule}

last night i couldn't fall asleep and i came up with an idea to post on my blog every weekday. I have created a certain theme for each day so that it should be pretty easy. i think it will help keep me inspired (in a scrapbooking sense), give me a place to ramble endlessly about stuff no one cares about (matt will appreciate not having to listen to this!), and it will give my brain a few minutes of down time at work each day... we'll see how long i can keep it up :) i'm using the number 5 for each day as well - it's my favorite number and it's managable. here's the schedule:

mosaic monday - i will create a mosaic of 5 (or more) flickr images (i used to do something similar that ali edwards used to do on her blog)

two peas tuesday - i will give links to 5 inspiring layouts or projects at two peas

what i love wednesday - i thought of making this "wishful wednesday" but then decided that would end up having a negative tone and i wanted to take a more positive approach. so, i will list five things that i'm loving at that time.

thankful thursday - pretty obvious...five things i'm thankful for.

free-for-all friday - this will be five totally random thoughts, opinions, observations, whatever!

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