This is what Father's Day is all about... This photo melts my heart every time I look at it...
i am so loving my boys :)
Our day began by my getting up with Spencer and Coleman while Matt slept in (ok, honestly not that unusual). One of Matt’s gifts was a coffee mug that Spencer had painted at Art Space Studio (one of those paint-your-own-pottery places). We had wrapped it up with his other gifts, but when it was time to take Matt some coffee in bed, I asked Spencer if he’d rather give him the mug that way. Spencer thought it was a neat idea, so his breakfast in bed included coffee in his new mug. The mug features outlines of Spencer and Coleman’s hands – very cool!
While Matt ate his breakfast in bed, Spencer got situated inside the highchair box. He realized the night before that he could (barely) fit inside so he thought it’d be cute to surprise Matt by jumping out with his gifts.
In addition to the mug, Matt also got a new Dual Shock Sixaxis controller for his PS3 (whatever the h*ll that means).
And Coleman made this cool thing (with some help) at AJ’s. This is why we love her!!!
Later, we headed to Matt’s parents’ house for lunch – a Father’s Day tradition. Here is Matt's dad with is grandbaby :)

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get this many males to cooperate for a group photo. Yay me!!! It was so worth it. And they are all almost sort of kind of smiling...ok, at least looking at the camera.

And later that night...steak kabobs on the grill for dinner.