(2) I'm very sad that both of these scrapbooking magazines have gone out of business. Simple Scrapbooks was the baby of Stacy Julian, who I've become quite fond of after reading 2 of her books and taking her Library of Memories class. Memory Makers was the only scrapbooking magazine in which I was published.

(4) homegrown hospitality is one of the blogs that i follow. she does the cutest little doodles. i particularly like when she does quotes or bible verses. This is a good one. If you can't read it, it says "tell people to use their money to do good, they should be rich in good works and should give happily to those in need. always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them . by doing this, they will store up real treasure for themselves in heaven. it is the only safe investment for eternity and they will live a fruitful life here as well." 1 timothy 6:18-19. this actually reminds me a lot of what dave ramsey says in financial peace university.

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