i'm not sure if it's scarier that it was so easy to do, or that i could probably keep going for a few more weeks and not run out of clothes! anyway...i didn't remember to snap a photo every day, but i did capture a few.
i wore this on friday...felt ok going a bit more casual. i've always been torn on how much i like or dislike this shirt. this is the first time i've worn it in a while. it's much busier than most things i wear.
i forgot to take a photo on thursday. i wore a gray shirt, which is technically not a carolina color. but i wore garnet & black jewelry.
this was wednesday. black top with a garnet tank underneath. gamecock necklace. see the pocketbook in the background? carried that all week.
this was tuesday... black shirt with garnet/black scarf.
not very exciting, but kind of a fun challenge! it would've been super easy to do if i could wear casual clothes everyday, since that's what most of my gamecock stuff is.

where did you get your garnet scarf? I live in CA and can't find anything even close, I'm really missing my Gamecock colors!