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i began this post on monday, when i just felt like rambling. but then i forgot to post it. and yesterday i felt like nothing. is the post, which i've edited somewhat so that it makes sense :)
- glee came on last night. i almost forgot (gasp!!!). enjoyed this song preview, which i've never seen for an episode before! thoroughly enjoyed the britney/brittany episode last week. haven't downloaded the music from it yet, though.
- this past weekend i got a taste of having to squeeze in grocery shopping, errands and laundry into the weekend, rather than into my work week. it went fine because we had no plans. on a busy weekend...could be a problem. definite adjusting to the "real world" ahead. (yeah, i know...cry me a river, right???).
- coleman has been waking up at ridiculously early hours lately. monday was 4:45...the second time in less than a week. crossing my fingers that my sister doesn't read this because she has agreed to keep coleman overnight and might change her mind!
- i'm wore my brown cowboy-ish boots monday. brown ankle boots today. i love that it's cool enough to do this. not ready for winter, but glad fall has arrived.
- we need to decide when we are going to hit the pumpkin patches...this coming weekend or the following. right now, we are thinking saturday morning...supposed to be a nice weekend (weather wise).
- i'm still totally obsessed with these two zac brown band duets.
- i'm also totally obsessed with gray right now. my favorite ankle boots are gray. one of my favorite fall shirts is gray & black. our new comforter is gray & black (so is spencer's new one too, but it looks totally different than ours). spencer is considering having his room painted gray. when i get around to my "blog makeover", i want gray to be incorporated. the fabric i chose for my apron is gray.
- speaking of spencer's room, i need to take some photos of the "makeover"
- and we need to sell his old furniture. craigslist, maybe?
- the gamecocks play alabama this weekend. i'm scared. we are ranked 19. they are #1. undefeated. college gameday will be there. i hope we aren't embarrassed. they slaughtered florida this past saturday.
- jesse mccartney has a new song. i'm not sure if i like it yet. i've only heard it once and it annoys me that there is a telephone ringing in the background that sounds like my iphone ring.
- i've really enjoyed "window shopping" at etsy lately. i've been looking for party ideas and art for our bedroom, random things for the laundry room...just whatever!
- i actually liked my hair on monday. that never happens...even liked it all day which never happens.
- i woke up yesterday with a killer migraine and had to call in sick to work. it was a long day. ugh!
- i'm sick and tired of HOA stuff and so ready for my obligations to be over and done!
- spencer has turned into a girl-crazy, texting maniac. wow.
- time out is now a regular occurence in our home. i think it works. sort of.
- i'm enjoying having the fall shows back on tv. i watched 2 dvr'd episodes of criminal minds last night.
sorry for the wordy, non-visual post.
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