"christmas - that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance - a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved." ~ augusta e. rundel
describe some of your favorite holiday foods
my favorite sweet item would be the yummy chocolate covered peanut butter balls that my mom makes. here are a few things i enjoy being at my holiday table: macaroni and cheese (with crusty top), deviled eggs, matt's mom's brown rice, sherry's white wine cake, dressing (as opposed to stuffing).
an item of food that reminds you of the holidays
this is kind of a tough one to do "on the spot". i'm sure there will be plenty of upcoming opportunities to capture better food shots, but today, this will do...even though it's actually a drink.
read christmas books
on my lunch hour, i went to the library. i picked up two books for myself that are christmas-themed mysteries (by mary higgins clark) and then got a few christmas books for coleman (there were practically NONE). i also picked up a christmas themed baby einstein video. i've been wanting to try one to see if it'll hold his attention or not. my guess is that he'd rather watch kellie pickler, but i digress.
hot chocolate
this afternoon i had a craving for some hot chocolate at work. luckily, i had one packet in my drawer. i made a note to bring in a selection of hot drinks for the winter. this craving worked out nicely so i could take a picture of it for today too :)
what foods are present in many of your childhood memories? why do you think holiday foods are so important to our celebrations.
starting with the first half of that question...i honestly don't remember much about our holiday foods from the earlier part of my childhood (i may just have a terrible memory). but it makes me wonder if it actually suggests that the foods are not that important, but the time spent together preparing and sharing them. and that kind of leads into the second question. yes, people like to eat, but i think it's more about the feeling associated with the food. food is a form of nurturing, so those that are preparing it use it as a means to show family and friends they care. the food is an excuse for all to gather in one spot and enjoy each other's company. food is comforting and warm. i wonder if in 30 years, will coleman look back at his childhood and remember what food was on the table, or only that he was surrounded by people who love and adore him.

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