1. Watch Polar Express
2. Share the stories of a few special ornaments
3. Learn about a holiday celebration from another country
4. Sing a holiday song before bed
5. Go to light show at Stafford Park
6. Bundle up and go for a walk
7. Cuddle by the fire with a warm drink
8. Watch TV or a movie camped out on the floor of the den with popcorn
9. Read a holiday story before bed
10. Play board games
11. Visit Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens
12. Have an indoor picnic
13. Donate to a charity
14. Celebrate the longest night of the year (December 21) by lighting extra candles
15. Gather around the computer (or plug your computer into your TV) and play a slideshow of photos through the year
16. Adopt a new tradition
17. Use an advent calendar
18. Visit Santa and have a photo taken
19. Write goals for next year together as a family
20. Write letters to Santa
21. Go caroling
22. Read a holiday based novel
23. Do a scavenger hunt in the house
24. Eat dinner by candlelight
25. Go to the library and pick out Christmas books
26. Buy annual Hallmark ornaments
27. Take a ride in a horse drawn carriage
28. Go see Disney’s A Christmas Carol in 3D
29. Attend a holiday church service
30. Look at past Christmas scrapbooks together
31. Go for a walk at night with flashlights
32. Go to a Christmas Party
33. Host a Christmas Party
1. Make a popcorn wreath
2. Make a yarn wreath
3. Decorate Styrofoam trees
4. Make a garland
5. Make a gift
6. Bake and decorate cookies
7. Wrap some gifts in a festive way!
8. Make Ornaments, either for your home or as small gifts
9. Make cards
10. Make a special treat for neighbors
11. Have breakfast for dinner
12. Slip a little note of holiday love into a backpack, laptop case, lunchbox, or set it on a pillow
13. Try a new recipe
14. Make a Christmas Card for Santa
15. Make a birthday cake for Jesus
16. Film a holiday video of singing Christmas songs
17. Cut out paper snowflakes
18. Bird Seed snacks for the yard
19. Make ornaments with gumdrops
20. Film family interviews

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