ok, so my "this week" post is actually last week. and i know i'm totally behind on my daily prompts. but i promise i will get caught back up. it's just been a crazy few weeks.
~ i sent four different envelopes of money to school with spencer (and empty 2 liter bottles) ~
~ spencer went to his school book fair and bought blind side. i am hoping to read it when he's done. ~
~ i shopped at hallmark (twice), party city (browsed, no purchases), target, wal-mart, rack room, books a million, and food lion ~
~ i shopped online at dicks, kohls and old navy ~
~ i went to the library and got christmas books for me and coleman ~
~ i did seven loads of laundry ~
~ i worked on details of neighborhood caroling event ~
~ i finally got december schedule worked out with spencer's mom ~
~ my victoria secret's order was delivered. i was very pleased with the sweaters, but disappointed in the color of my *free* scarf. i ordered 'electric blue' and it is SO purple ~
~ i brainstormed some party ideas for coleman's birthday. i'm posting everything that catches my fancy on my tumblr site: http://chroniclesofasouthernscrapper.tumblr.com/ ~
~ i designed and sent out the email invite for our bowl party ~
~ i reorganized my drawer of scarves, hats and gloves ~
~ my five-year anniversary at work was recognized in a meeting ~
~ i watched castle, lie to me, bones, fringe ~
~ rio had something weird happen to him. we think it was a seizure. he seems fine now. scared the crap out of me in a very serious way.~
~ my committee rented a sign for our caroling event ~
~ i held a baby much smaller than my own (3 months old). she made coleman seem like a giant. ~
~ i made brownies ~
~ christmas cards finally started to roll in. love it. ~
~ spencer continued his archery lessons at school and i attended a demo on friday morning ~
~ we picked up jo and checked out the christmas lights show in stafford park. then hit a few more neighborhoods ~
~ we had our caroling event in the neighborhood ~
yes, we totally rednecked it up and santa is riding in the back of a red lowrider truck.
given coleman's reaction to the last santa, we thought it'd be best if i just held him this time.

~ matt, coleman and i went to carolina place mall for some christmas shopping ~
coleman enjoyed watching all the people and action, but it must've been exhausting :)
~ lots of shopping (alone) on sunday. most of my christmas shopping is done ~
~ matt worked an extra half shift, so i stayed up late (midnight) waiting for him to get home ~
~ i took 79 photos (lots of duplicates that were quickly deleted) ~
you can see them all here: archery, december 2009, and 2009 christmas season
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it