the only rooms in our home (where we've lived a little over four years now) that are not painted are the laundry room, master bath, and the bathroom the boys share. we have done nothing with the laundry room and master bath. but the boys' bathroom does have a theme (nautical) and is decorated, just not painted. however, i've had *that* nautical bathroom for way too long. seriously. since my first apartment out of college. it's a small bathroom and wouldn't cost much to redo but we've just never bothered.
we recently purchased some cabinets for the laundry room and matt is going to paint in there before he installs them. he's been itching for a bright green room (random, i know) so i told him we could do the laundry room in that color. then i had a brilliant idea. since both rooms are small, we could just go ahead and do the boys' bathroom the same color!
so, we are at kohl's and i'm coveting this absolutely adorable kids' bathroom set. however, we need something that will work for a one-year-old AND an 11-year-old. somehow i didn't think that spencer would appreciate the splish-splash monkeys!
but, right around the corner, we find this one. even though it appears to be equally childish, we were able to work with that. we only bought the striped shower curtain and towels - none of the "sea" themed stuff. we got a few more towels that are white with a red stripe for spencer (they are much more grown up). and we went with solid red rugs. we got a few towels/washcloths from the first set for coleman because the colors of the two sets are so similar.
you will notice that there is a bright green in both, so we will paint the walls that color and stick with some red accessories (to make spencer happy) and hopefully it will be a good combination to make everyone happy!
i will definitely show photos once we've completed the transformation. oh, i need to take "before" pictures too.
p.s. - after all of that, YES, we did get some new towels for us - the original purpose of the trip. we also managed to get coleman a monkey beach towel, a monkey plate (that actually matches the bath set) and some monkey pjs that matt said he just had to have. i wonder how long this monkey thing will last.