last week, spencer was invited to join a new travel baseball team - the palmetto thunder. he is super excited
and we are so super proud! matt has been wanting spencer to try out for travel ball for a few years and it's just never happened. then, about two weeks ago, spencer was approached by the coach and asked to try out because of his reputation. seriously. how cool is that? i get chills thinking about it.
spencer participated in two practices with the existing team and then was invited to join. how awesome. and the coach had some really cool things to say about him. here are the highlights, word-for-word:
"Spencer has a great personality and is eager to learn. I think he has some areas to improve but his heart is so into it I know he wants it. I can work with the baseball part of it but the passion for the game is overpowering and I feel he has it and if someone wants something bad enough they will do what it takes to prove they belong there. Spencer has a good arm and his pitching was very good. We will need to work with him on his hitting and we can work with that. Hitting is 90% mental. In order to hit you have to want to hit the ball....He will definitely have fun and he should be really proud of himself. Congratulations!!!!"
the part that i love is not about how good of a baseball player he is or is not. it's about the heart and passion and devotion to the game. that makes me proud.
it seems like it really wasn't that long ago that spencer was only four years old, crying on the side of a t-ball field because he didn't want to go out on the field. now he is starting a new chapter in his baseball career and we are excited to be along for the ride.

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