photo taken at breakfast this morning on my iphone.
*he is transitioning from 12 month sized clothing to 18 months. he is still in size 4 diapers.
*in the last month, he finally started feeding himself finger foods (he was kind of behind the 8-ball on this one)
*he pants like a dog when he's excited
*he is obsessed with his socks. he takes them off and carries them around like a lovey.
*he makes this funny mad face and snorts like a bull (but he's not actually mad when he does it)
*we introduced whole milk and replaced almost all of his bottles with it
*he is eating more and more "real food" and less jar food.
*he loves to walk around clapping, for no reason
*he likes to smack (this and the clapping are due to your baby can read, which he does at daycare)
*he loves, loves, loves music. not baby music, real music, preferably country.
*he rarely crawls now - almost always walking
*he figured out that he can feed the dogs from his highchair.
*he got his first haircut
and best of all....
*we can finally put him down in his crib awake and he will fall asleep on his own
* he has been sleeping through the night!!!!

Yeah for "the best of all" and "and" sections...Maybe mommy will get more sleep these days! PS- I am doing a countdown until the birthday party! Yeah for first birhtdays!