I just did Lesson 6 of my class, which was on the TTV effect. TTV means "through the viewfinder". In it's truest sense it's when photographers somehow hook up their digital camera to an honestly old camera and take photos that way - getting the aged, scruffy look. But, you can also use images and effects in Photoshop to give a fake TTV look. Jessica shared 3 images with us so I decided to really play with it and do three separate photos for this lesson. I've included the before and after shots for all of them. (If you are wondering why they are all square, she recommended that cropping ratio for authenticity because most old cameras took square photos).
I took this photo of myself on my iPhone about a month ago on the beach while on vacation (how many prepositions can you put in one sentence? I had a college writing professor that HATED that).

I went the craziest with this one. I like the unrealistic look of it. In addition to adding the TTV image, I also increased the color saturation and really messed with the hues. Isn't it fun???

Isn't this photo awesome on its own? This is my dad.

I decreased the saturation somewhat and added the TTV image. Then I used a brush to create the mess at the bottom. I changed the size several times, as well as the color - pulling out shades directly from the sunset. The original was nice, but isn't this even better????

This one might be cheating a little. I started with a photo that was already old and had it's own authentic scuffs and scratches. That is my mother-in-law on the right.

I reduced the saturation a tiny bit (it was already pretty low because of the age of the photo) and then I added the TTV image. Last, I added the "special" brush at the bottom. It's kind of hard to see.
So Cool! I love what you are doing with these pictures. You will have to show me. I would really like to do some of these with Giada's pictures.