day 13 {the end}
random word prompt: smile
recently i decided that i was going to start collecting dishes that i liked, as opposed to buying an official "set" to replace the ones we've had forever. i wanted solid colors (think *fiestaware*) but was pretty excited about the journey of finding things individually. so far, i picked up 4 plates (in 4 colors) and one solid bowl. i've been wanting to transition to these deeper cereal bowls as well. needless to say, i had a big ole smile on my face when i saw an aisle of these bright and happy bowls!!
editing notes: i used a 'quick fix' action and just fiddled with it. i wanted the colors to be the big statement here, so i didn't do much editing. font is *you are loved*.
disclaimer: i wanted to post all of these in order as they were given in the boot camp. however, i haven't done them in order (obviously) and i still have a handful to do. so, i am trying to push aside my type-a tendencies and just go with it.

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