i am very proud to announce that my brother-in-law, Dr. Britt Blackwell, is the newly elected member of York County Council District 6! Of the four candidates in the race, he won the most votes back on the original election day (June 8th), but did not get the necessary majority. Britt had 43% of votes (as opposed to the incumbent who had 35%), and was ahead by 270 votes. As a result, he and the incumbent had a run-off election this Tuesday and he WON!
Tuesday's results...Britt took 55% of the votes (1,679...which is 323 more than the incumbent). He won 14 precincts, lost 4. (The precinct that I called...250 calls...he won 62%...that's right!!!) The cool thing about his winning is that he didn't just beat the incumbent, but also the 12-year council member, who is also the CHAIR. That's pretty impressive.
You can read the articles in yesterday's newspaper here and here and here. One of them was on the front page, above the fold. Now, it's pretty amazing that there is even a picture of Britt, because most of one article is actually an interview with the loser. But our local paper isn't exactly known for being "fair and balanced" :)
Wanna hear a random fact... the two main candidates in the race were both Spencer's uncles (Matt's brother and then his mother's brother-in-law). Weird. (For what it's worth, Spencer was supporting Britt!).
As I was searching for some neat tid-bits to include in this post, I realized I never watched the news video that was taken at Britt's official campaign launch. You can see it here, and it turns out there's a little shot of Coleman and I!

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