
inspired {report card - week 3}

luckily, coleman was on the mend after monday of last week, allowing me to return to a normally scheduled world as of tuesday. so here's how i did...

{report card - week of august 16 to 22}
  • to-do list = 6 of 10
  • woke up early = 5 of 7 days
  • stuck to the meal plan = 5 of 7
  • cleaned = 7
  • Bible & prayer = 6
  • blogged = 5
  • took photos = 4
  • water intake goal = 3
  • exercised = 2
  • worked on editing process = 2

{august challenge update}

as presented by michelle at so, i married a mennonite, here is how i did with the WEEK THREE challenge: DEVELOP AN EXERCISE PLAN

1 - Pick a Workout: done...i have a 10-minute morning plan in place
          i do sets of 12 for each of these: crunches, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks & leg kicks. i do as many as i can accomplish in about 7-8 minutes. the last 2-3 minutes i use 3lb weights for some arm exercises.

2 - Make it Fun: is she serious??? i have NO idea how to do this :)

3 - Create your Habit: What is the one thing you'll do everyday? this should be #1 above...but i don't do it everyday.

4 - Set a Goal: i would really like to lose 10 pounds by mid-October. but at this rate, it's not going to happen!

So, I did OK on the four goals above...i just haven't done well at implementing the actual exercising!


~ if you missed it last week, i shared some downloads that are perfectly matched for this week's challenge!

~ sidenote: if you feel like you need a swift kick in the butt...watch the video in this post at inspired to action

~ and remember all of this *maximize your morning* goodness was started by kat at inspired to action.



  1. it's so hard, isn't it?
    The exercise I mean!
    I think I'm going to join a Zumba class after my 3 day walk. I need something to keep me moving.

  2. I enjoyed reading your report card. You are doing very well!

    The exercise has been hard for me too.

    I am often more consistent with a goal in mind or a program that goes for a certain number of days.

    I recently finished a 90 day program. The '90 day' thing seemed to help me push through. Finishing it felt like a real achievement.

    I feel like I should be able to exercise without something like that, but it doesn't seem to happen unless I have very clear intentions and plans.

    Thanks for sharing your update.

  3. I'm such a planner - very rarely an implementer. I can plan things to the smallest details, but summoning up the will to follow through - not so much. Keep up the great work!
