This week, I'm going to participate in the Back 2 Blogging Challenge being organized by the SITS Blog and Community. Each day, there is a post prompt and today's is to re-upload your first blog post and re-write it, showing the "before and after".
my first blog post was written on 02.09.2006 and was creatively entitled "welcome":
Welcome to the Chronicles of a Southern Scrapper – that’s me. After dabbling in the concept of this “all the rage” thing called Blogs, I have decided to create myself a permanent home. I can’t promise you gossipy storylines of a soap opera, or political rantings worthy of water cooler talk. All I can offer is a little piece of me. I won’t be divulging any deep dark secrets or unleashing skeletons from my closet. To be frank, the idea of putting my existence out there for the world to see is a bit creepy. Here in my little piece of the vast universe we call the “world wide web”, you will only find tidbits of me that I feel like sharing. This online home will serve as an outlet for my ramblings – of which I have plenty, a gallery of sorts for my scrapbooking creations, and a studio to which I can post the latest and greatest of my photographic obsession. To no degree do I assume this is a place people will be dying to visit each and every day. But I do hope it will serve as a reference point to which I can point folks to see or read something that I would like to share with those willing to indulge.
I guess I should start off with a quick introduction of the key players in these future chronicles. Here we are: The female one -- that's me. The short, red-headed one -- that's my 7 year old stepson Spencer. The one that refuses to smile in pictures -- that's my husband of almost 4 years, Matt. The two stringy fellows in the back -- they're just props! This photo was taken at our church's Fall Festival in October of 2005. Not pictured: Rio, the four-legged overly-spoiled under-appreciative member of our family.
For today's rambling...
It actually snowed in sunny South Carolina today - can you believe it? After several months of abnormally warm winter weather (even for good 'ole South Kackilack), I was quite surprised to see white flakes falling from the sky this morning. It's way too warm to stick and I don't know if we'll be blessed with a snow able to create a day of fun - snow cream, snowball fights and watching Rio figure out how to go to the bathroom - but I hope we get at least one before winter's end...which is quickly approaching.
looking back, i realize that the original purpose of this blog is still quite similar to its current existence. looking back through old posts, a lot has changed, but the ultimate foundation has remained the same.
for the purpose of this challenge, i decided to write an entry as if i was starting this blog today...
hello, from south carolina and welcome to my new home on the world wide web: chronicles of a southern scrapper. today, i'm taking a step into the scary, vast internet to carve a little spot to call my own. here at the chronicles, i plan to share and express my various passions. this online home will serve as a memoir of my life and outlet for my own divulging. hopefully, it may bring some enjoyment to others that might stop by for a visit.
first, let's have a little introduction of my crew. the tallest one is my hubby of 8+ years, matt. then there's me, holly, the lone female of the pack. the handsome redhead "tweener" is my stepson, spencer, who will be twelve next week and just started middle school. then there's the little tot, coleman, a mere 18 months old. not pictured are our two canine family members - rio & cooper. rio is a mutt we adopted many moons ago and is about 8 years old. cooper is a jack russell that showed up one day and forgot to leave. we think he's probably 3-4 years old now.
in case you decide to come back on occasion, here are some things you might expect to hap upon while perusing the pages of my world:
- scrapbooking - i began *officially* paper scrapping over 13 years and began dabbling in the digital world a few years ago. i love sharing my creations online, as they often get stuffed into albums and put on a shelf here at home.
- paper crafting - as an extension of scrapbooking, i often enjoy making creations for my home, cards or gifts for others, party goodies, etc.
- photos...lots and lots of photos - pictures of my family, friends and randomness...some dabbling in photo editing as well. i recently learned the term "mamarazzi" which definitely describes me.
- writing - where there are photos, there are stories to be told. i've never been great at keeping a journal, though i love to write. here you will find my musings.
- organization - i'm a pretty serious type-a personality and i get unhealthy amounts of joy from organizing.
- parenting - i'm no expert, but i'll ramble about the trials, tribulations and ultimate joy that comes from parenting, step-parenting and working full-time while doing it all.
- savings - i don't consider myself a hard-core frugal type, but i do clip the heck out of some coupons and will share my successes and failures with anyone willing to listen.
- projects - classes, tutorials, and projects...there is something so tempting about each new set of assignments & goals. i simply can not resist. follow me step-by-step on each of my random journeys!
Links related to the #Back2Blogging Challenge:
SITS Challenge
SITS BlogFrog Community
Standards of Excellence
Florida Builder Appliances

I am SO glad you stopped by my blog today, and I was able to find yours. I love to scrapbook, and ever since having my son I haven't found much time for it. I have recently gotten back into it and can't wait to be inspired by your work. I also live in Atlanta and LOVE the South :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your "intro" again! Happy Monday friend and happy being ranked #13 nationally day friend!! :)