various times, i have seen bloggers talk about making the conscious decision to "unplug" for a day (or longer). here are a few examples:
some people choose to disconnect from any and all technology, others use it to focus on expanding creativity, some opted to only eliminate internet use. a few days ago, i was thinking about trying to *unplug* at some point. then i realized that the upcoming saturday (today) was the perfect day. my hubby is working during the day. spencer is with his mother. it'd be just coleman and i (until about 6:30 p.m.). sometimes i feel like we spend too much time in front of the tv during the weekends, or that i put too much emphasis on trying to squeeze in computer time when little man is occupied. so, today i am unplugged.
here are the details:
- i am not worried about the telephone. this isn't something that i consider a strong distraction in my life. i don't feel there would be much benefit in focusing on it.
- though i may use my iphone for normal calls, i will not allow myself to use the internet or apps on it.
- i will not turn on the television during the day while it's just coleman and i. matt and i will probably watch tv in the evening, but i decided to do my first 'unplug' alone and not drag him into it. if it goes well, i see a "family unplug" in our future.
- music is allowed. this is the only thing i can do on my computer or iphone. i will not use the tv to play music videos that mesmerize coleman.
- the big focus for me is going to be the computer and internet. i will not use either. zip. zero. nada.
so...for a couple of days, i've been brainstorming ways to occupy our *unplugged day* and here are some of things in my head right now:
- we are planning to go watch my nephew's cross country race in the morning
- we need to go visit my in-laws
- i have a few things i need to pick up at wal-mart
- during naptime, i want to scrapbook, make cards, paper craft...something like that
- bake some cookies
- write/journal
- read
- play outside
- paint or do an art project with coleman
- go for a walk (need to deliver some HOA flyers)
- sidewalk chalk
- take lots of photos
what do i hope to gain: a general appreciation for things i've neglected (scrapbooking, reading)...learn to enjoy not being overstimulated and the constant need for more and more information...realize the joy of spending more true quality time with my ever-changing son...savor being outside and really seeing what's going on around us.
i will report back tomorrow with how it goes. in the meantime, leave a comment if you've ever intentionally *unplugged* for a period of time. i'd love to hear details (though i promise not to read them until sunday!).

I can't wait to hear how it share. :)