yesterday, i had a discussion with my boss that is most likely going to lead to a very hard *career versus family* decision. i was an absolute mess last night and this morning didn't look much better. as i said...feeling a little better this afternoon (after a chat with a co-worker). so, with the weight of this decision on me, i have focused all day on things in my life for which i'm feeling lucky & blessed. i was happy to run across this on a blog this morning:
“Weeping may endure for a night,so...with that in is the "joy"
but joy comes in the morning”
(Psalms 30:5).
- thankful that God made me get behind on reading certain blogs so that the scripture above showed up this morning when i needed it.
- coleman was in a good, cute mood this morning (granted, this made the decision thing worse, but makes you smile anyway!).
- spencer is really enjoying his fall season of rec baseball and i'm so happy that he's found the passion for the game again.
- fantastic ankle boots. loving that i'm slowly breaking out the fall footwear. loving that they are nine west and only cost me $15. loving that they remind me of a pair i had in high school and loved. loving that they are comfy.
- so appreciative of my husband who tolerated my blubbering last night and has been gentle and reassuring with my fragile emotional state.
- excited about my mom, sister, niece and brother-in-law coming into town. celebrating my nephew's 18th birthday.
- pumped about the britney/brittany episode of glee next week.
- amused that our friend is coming over tonight for a few cold ones because my husband thinks i should drink my sorrows away (sarcastically, of course).
- anxious, but excited, about the usc/auburn football game.
- totally excited that the gamecocks are currently ranked 12th in the country and this is their third consecutive week of being nationally ranked.
- having spencer's room makeover 99% complete.
- that i have a super coworker that can make my mood better.

Hey dear friend! I certainly understand the career vs. family thing. I am suffering with that currently as well... along with MANY other things. I will pray for you and you can pray for me... peace of mind is a great thing to pray for. Love ya' girl!