tomorrow marks the biggest night of tv this year...the season 2 premiere of glee. when the promos come on tv, i do a little dance in the den. literally. i'm dead serious. my glee playlist has been in active rotation the last week or so, building up to this big moment. i'm excited about the addition of john stamos and apprehensive about rachel's new competition, charise.
so, in honor of this momentous event, this week's music focus is going to be glee music of course. i have 85 glee songs on my iPhone right now. below are my 5 favorites with you tube videos for your viewing and listening pleasure. enjoy.
somebody to love
confession: i am pretty sure i had never heard this song prior to watching this episode...blasphemy, i know! now it's my favorite glee song.
don't stop believin'
the song that started it all...the love, the obsession, the phenomenon. right here. one song. one performance. one episode.
dream on
since i am in the habit of being blasphemous...i will confess that i do not like aerosmith. but this version of the song with mr. shue and doogie!!
poker face
i already shared this in this post but it's in the top five so i had to include it again.
defying gravity
the best part of this song is singing it at the top of your lungs!
ok, did you really think i could stop at 5??? here are five more, just for shiggles...
each song title is linked to you tube if you want to listen to it:
bohemian rhapsody
don't stand so close to me/young girl mashup

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