32 things to do at age 32
(1) See the new Twilight movie with Matt & Spencer
(2) Start working on my Home Management Binder
(3) Retire from the HOA Board of Directors
(4) Take a random day trip with the family
(5) Get a massage
(6) Wear more dresses
(7) Take Spencer "antiquing"
(8) Paint on a canvas
(9) Visit a few churches
(10) Buy new patio furniture
(11) Go to more of Spencer's ball games (now that C's a little older)
(12) Make progress on setting up Library of Memories system
(13) Check out the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens while flowers are in bloom
(14) Go to a Carolina football game
(15) Wean Coleman from his pacifier
(16) Lose ten pounds
(17) Go on a bike ride
(18) Make improvements to blog
(19) Do some serious purging of my scrapbooking/craft supplies
(20) Read at least 12 books
(21) Have a blog book printed of my "this week" posts from 2010
(22) Go on a picnic/walk at Manchester Meadows
(23) Exercise more, even if just a tiny bit
(24) Finish reading the Bible
(25) Complete Coleman's 1st Birthday and 1st Year albums
(26) Ride a horse again
(27) Go to a concert
(28) Host a gathering for a football game
(29) Host a gathering for some other occasion (not counting birthday parties)
(30) Do arts and crafts with Coleman
(31) Check out the new Riverwalk area
(32) Finish horse cross stitch project

I am impressed with your list...I think you will do all of those things....I need to come up with a list of 33 @ 33... Where does the time go??