this is my older nephew, bo (17), shooting
my sister (sherry), brother-in-law (chip), and other nephew (teddy, 13)
the whole big group, proudly flying the south carolina flag
my sister sporting the huge umbrella. dang that thing is big.
south carolina rednecks can shoot.
bo's team (he's on the far right)
teddy's team (he's second from the left). they won first place in their division!
and this was just an awesome photo of our flag so i had to share.
in case you aren't blessed enough to be from the state of south carolina, i will point out that we are the only state (other than texas) that is incredibly proud of their state and flaunts their state flag like the status symbol that it is :)

Congrats to the Hutchison boys! I LOVE the SC flag picture. I would LOVE to have a copy of it. :)